Thursday, May 20, 2010

All the Lovely Ponds Smokers

I have to warn you, this is an angry blog post.

There is one thing that James and I both hate, and that is cigarette smoke. Recently, when the weather got nice, we were delighted to open our windows to the fresh air. However, it didn't take long for us to notice that almost every surrounding apartment has atleast one smoker. And when they decide to enjoy a cigarette on their balcony, we also "enjoy" it inside our apartment as we breathe in their second hand smoke. Trust me, it makes for a wonderful headache.
This is one con of apartment living that we never even thought about until we experienced it. YUCK! It's a riot to see what a scene Hubby makes when he has to get up and close the balcony door constantly :) He always pops his head out the door to see who is smoking, then proceeds to slam the screen door and the balcony door and make a ruckus!

There should be a law against this....or atleast a separate smoking and a non-smoking building. After all, it's our air too!!!


  1. I can totally see James doing that! lol. But it sucks that you guys have to deal with that. Is there anything you could do by complaining to the building manager? Good luck! Maybe you can hang a sign on your balcony that says "It's My Air, Too! Go smoke somewhere else!"

  2. That's a brilliant idea Nicole!! lol I better start making a sign.... :) But seriously we will probably talk to the manager. I just don't think there's anything she can do, but we'll see.
