Friday, February 20, 2009

Wedding Date Chaos!

We are trying to pin down a date for the wedding. After all the drama with deciding whether to have the wedding in Minnesota or in California, we've decided we want to have it here. It is just so much easier on us that way...and I have been losing a lot of sleep over this! We will do the wedding sometime in October and then have a reception in California a few months later.
The problem is we want to do the wedding in October, and apparently it's virtually impossible to find a reception venue eight months before the wedding! I had no idea that fall weddings were so popular. I'm crossing my fingers that we will find an October date that is open, and soon! This wedding planning stuff is stressful.
James and I have both been very busy. He just finished his second week student teaching and I have been nannying everyday and going to school in the evenings. Things are going well for James and his teaching and he's decided that he likes his eighth graders better than his eleventh graders! Anyway, it will be so nice when we don't have to be apart all week long.

Monday, February 16, 2009

The Beginning

The last few months of my life have been amazing. Mostly because all my dreams are coming true! James proposed to me in the snow on Christmas Eve and ever since I have been on top of the world.

My future sister-in-law Nicole inspired me to start a blog...I was reading hers and figured that since James and I have so many exciting things ahead of us, I should blog about it! So here it goes...